    Sonora in figures
  Productive Sonora
      Irrigation technification
        Area in hectares
        Supported Surface - Amount
      Protected agriculture
      Field mechanization
      Surface on Organic Crop
      Agricultural Production
        State Agricultural Production
        State Agricultural Production - Executive
        Historical Series by Cultivation Fall / Winter - Spring / Summer
        Historical Series by Perennial Cultivation
        You are interested in a Specific crop - Autumn / Winter - Spring / Summer
        You are interested in a specific crop - Perennials
      Export of agricultural products
      Wheat sowing by variety or group
      Planting Permits
      Illustrative graphics
      Queries by crop
      Situation of the main phytosanitary problems
      Costs of establishing fruit trees
      Districts and Irrigation Units
      Technology packages - Inifap
      Total flow of FIRA financing
        By Municipality
        Concentrated by Sector
        Concentrated by Municipality
      Dates of sowing and Harvest
        By District of Rural Development
        By Cultivation
    Cattle raising
      Livestock Production - State - Species - Historical
      Livestock Export
      Bovine Cattle Census
      Installed capacity and used in TIF slaughterhouses
      Sacrifices on slaughterhouses Federal Inspection Type (TIF)
        Cattle Slaughtering
        Swine Slaughter
      State Meat Commission
      State Milk Commission
      Beef cattle auctions
        By Auction
        By Month
      Wildlife Report - Hunting Season
      Illustrative graphics
      Animal product
      Livestock Products (in & out)
        Livestock Products (sum)
        Introductions by Product
        Introductions of Livestock Products by Month
        Concentrate of Outputs of Livestock Products
        Outputs by Product
        Outputs of Livestock Products per month
      Source of Water Supply in the pastures
      Precipitation (rain)
      Total flow of FIRA financing
        By Municipality
        Concentrated by Sector
        Concentrated by Municipality
    Fishing and Aquaculture
      Natural and Physical Resources
      Ranking of National and World Production
      Aquaculture Production Units installed
      Fisheries and Aquaculture Production
        Fisheries and Aquaculture Production
        Progress of Production by Office
        Production advance Accumulated
        Production advance Accumulated Main Species
        Historical Consultation by Species
        Fisheries Production in Continental Waters
      Main exported products
      Fishing Calendar in Sonora
      Illustrative graphs
      Fishing and aquaculture in the global context
      Sport fishing 2017
      Notices / Closure
      Fishing Permits Continental Waters
      Ports and Marina
      Total flow of FIRA financing
    Rural Development Districts
      Agricultural production
        Disaggregated by Cultivation
        Executive Report
        Crops Fall / Winter and Spring / Summer
        Perennial crops
        Historical Production Fall / Winter and Spring / Summer
        Historical Production Perennes
      Information and Semblance of the Municipality
      Agricultural production
        Agricultural Production of the Municipality
        Executive Consultation
        Crops Fall / Winter and Spring / Summer
        Perennial crops
        Historical Production Fall / Winter and Spring / Summer
        Perennial Historical Production
      Livestock Production
        Municipal Cattle Production
        Query by Species
        Historical Consultation by Species
      Fisheries and Aquaculture Production
  Sector Support
    Aquaculture and fisheries
  Of interest  
    Weather - Dam reservoir
    SPlaces of interest
  Trading (Buy/Sale)